BLIS Blended Learning Interative Simulation

Give your students a more memorable learning experience

BLIS Blended Learning Interative Simulation

BLISS is a mixed reality platform that aims to improve the learning outcomes of healthcare students and professionals in various settings, such as hospitals, universities, EMS and the military. BLISS integrates traditional teaching methods with BLIS interactive technologies. All that combines to enhance the realism and feedback of simulation scenarios. 

BLISS is designed to support instructors and learners in achieving their educational goals and advancing their skills and knowledge in simulated environments.

Gener8 In The News

At Gener8, our pride knows no bounds when it comes to showcasing the excellence of our installations across the globe.

Among these, our innovative room at the University of Central Florida stands out prominently, sparking widespread acclaim and admiration from educators and students alike. Such was its impact that it became the talk of the town, capturing the attention of television channels!

Our Platform

Our Bliss platform is designed to meet the curriculum and mandatory education needs of healthcare professionals. It provides access to dynamic didactic interactive learning with creative content and data capture. It also offers true simulated environments where learners can practice and learn in realistic scenarios. Our product is a true dynamic system that moulds around you and your teaching, not you around it. It is the ultimate solution for healthcare education.

The Next Generation Of Simulation Suites

BLISS is a state-of-the-art system that enhances the learning outcomes for healthcare education and simulation in various settings, such as hospitals, universities, EMS and military.

BLISS Suites offer a comprehensive service that includes site assessments, installation, training, ongoing support and content creastion. Our Gener8 customer liaison team is always ready to assist you with any queries or issues you may encounter throughout the lifespan of the suites. With our proprietary and partnered software, you can easily manage your scenarios and environments with existing skills, no coding needed!


At Gener8, we value our clients’ feedback and use it to improve our services. We don’t just claim to be the best, we let our clients tell you why. We listen to every conversation we have with our clients and learn from their needs and expectations. We are constantly striving to enhance our offerings in the market and deliver the highest quality solutions.

BLIS – Customer focused simulation

“We want YOU the customers, the educators to be the innovators, we just give you the tools and support to create”

It is the customers that truly make BLISs work as a teaching tool. By adding creative scenarios, with expert facilitators, digital props, task trainers and perhaps actors. These scenarios immerse the students in emotional healthcare situations that have a lasting impact on their learning.

Use case projects

At Gener8, we value our clients’ feedback and use it to improve our services. We don’t just claim to be the best, we let our clients tell you why. We listen to every conversation we have with our clients and learn from their needs and expectations. We are constantly striving to enhance our offerings in the market and deliver the highest quality solutions.

Wansbeck - A chat with john

How Oxford Innovate with Gener8

Peadiatric Sim Off 22

An Interview With Salford

Partner Collaborations

At Gener8, we are committed to providing the best learning and collaborative tools for our suites. We rely on you, the customer, to guide us in selecting and integrating the most useful tools for your needs and feedback. Our process is driven by your input and satisfaction, ensuring a high-quality ecosystem of tools for your benefit.

Blended Learning with unlimited choice

Anatomy software

With normal and abmormal pathology

Student Interaction Software

Engaging Lessons

Stip using powerpoints and class based learning flip those boring lessons into BLIS casses.

Interactive Patitent Consultation

Fully customisable to your needs

Debrief Software

Structured Debrief Software

Our ecosystem intergrates with multiple debrief softwares

Mandatory Training Software

Fully customisable to your needs

Make Things Like BLS Engaging

Custom Intergrations

Custom Intergrations

We are allways willing to intergrate exisitng softwares into our spaces.

Access any Website

Integrate Any web

We can Integrate any web app, tool or site inside and make it work with any simulation our ecosystem

Full Turnkey Solution

We can do all aspects of the installation or we can work with estates or other contractors to ensure a perfect installation

BLIS – Choices

The BLISs(™) installation can be within a defined space within your institution with the build of a defined space.
Though the is a minimal advised space required, the suite can be as big as required.

We can also supply a “ModPod(™)” BLISs room. Which can fit into a given room with no major building works and
can be moved to a different room should this be needed.

With the Immersive element, we can add scent, sound and/or rumble floors to create a truly immersive experience.
Video and still images can be projected within the space to completely surround the learners into a visually stimulating immersive environment to recreate “ANY” clinical or non-clinical area where a medical procedure, emergency or incident may take place. We will also help you create spaces that are more relevant to your institution, meaning there is truly no limitation to environments available.

Healthcare Simulation Education

Unique room sizes can be catered for.